Famous Masons

Many men throughout history have been members of our fraternity.

In these pages we will present you with them and try to impress upon you the great men that have been Masons.

Famous Mason Categories
Alphabetical ListArticles of ConfederationAstronautsBusinessmenEntertainersExplorers and FrontiersmenGovernorsMilitary Leaders
PoliticianPresidentsSenatorSigner Declaration of IndependenceSportsSupreme Court JusticeUS Constitution

Photo of Roy Rogers

Roy Rogers

Birthday: November 5, 1911 Deceased: July 6, 1998


American singer and cowboy actor who was one of the most popular Western stars of his era. Known as the ?King of the Cowboys?, he appeared in over 100 films and numerous radio and television episodes of The Roy Rogers Show. In many of his films and television episodes, he appeared with his wife Dale Evans, his golden palomino Trigger, and his German Shepherd dog Bullet. His show ran on radio for nine years before moving to television from 1951 through 1957. His productions usually featured a sidekick, often Pat Brady, Andy Devine, or George ?Gabby? Hayes. In his later years, Rogers lent his name to the Roy Rogers Restaurants franchised chain. Rogers was an active Freemason and a Shriner, and was noted for his support of their charities.