Famous Masons

Many men throughout history have been members of our fraternity.

In these pages we will present you with them and try to impress upon you the great men that have been Masons.

Famous Mason Categories
Alphabetical ListArticles of ConfederationAstronautsBusinessmenEntertainersExplorers and FrontiersmenGovernorsMilitary Leaders
PoliticianPresidentsSenatorSigner Declaration of IndependenceSportsSupreme Court JusticeUS Constitution

Photo of George Washington Trendle

George Trendle

Creator of Lone Ranger and Green Hornet
Birthday: July 4, 1884 Deceased: May 10, 1972


Detroit lawyer and businessman best known as the producer of the Lone Ranger radio and television programs along with The Green Hornet. He is entombed in Detroit’s Woodlawn Cemetery. During the 1920s, George W. Trendle was a Detroit, Michigan, lawyer who had established a reputation as a tough negotiator specializing in movie contracts and leases. Trendle became involved in the Detroit area entertainment business in 1928 when local motion picture theater owner John H. Kunsky offered Trendle 25 percent ownership in exchange for his services.