Famous Masons

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Photo of Charlie Walker

Charlie Walker

Country Music Hall of Fame
Birthday: November 2, 1926 Deceased: September 12, 2008


American country musician born in Copeville, Texas. He held membership in the Grand Ole Opry from 1967, and was inducted into the Country Radio DJ Hall of Fame in 1981. Walker worked as a disc jockey in the early 1950s at KENS in San Antonio, Texas before signing with Decca Records. His first hit, “Only You, Only You” was co-written with Jack Newman and reached No. 9 on the country chart in January 1956. Walker later signed with Columbia Records and reached No. 2 with a Harlan Howard song, “Pick Me Up On Your Way Down”. His other hits include “Who Will Buy the Wine”, “Wild as a Wildcat”, “Don’t Squeeze My Sharmon”, and “I Wouldn’t Take Her To A Dog Fight Even If I Thought That She Could Win”. Many of his records featured harmony vocals by Ray Price. Walker played a minor role in the 1985 Patsy Cline biographical film Sweet Dreams.