Famous Masons

Many men throughout history have been members of our fraternity.

In these pages we will present you with them and try to impress upon you the great men that have been Masons.

Famous Mason Categories
Alphabetical ListArticles of ConfederationAstronautsBusinessmenEntertainersExplorers and FrontiersmenGovernorsMilitary Leaders
PoliticianPresidentsSenatorSigner Declaration of IndependenceSportsSupreme Court JusticeUS Constitution

Photo of Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg

Arthur Vandenberg

Michigan Senator
Birthday: March 22, 1884 Deceased: April 18, 1951


Republican Senator from the U.S. state of Michigan who participated in the creation of the United Nations. On March 31, 1928, Governor Fred W. Green appointed 44-year-old Vandenberg, a Republican, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Woodbridge Nathan Ferris, a Democrat, from pneumonia. Green made the appointment reluctantly under considerable political pressure. Vandenberg immediately declared his intention to stand for election to both the short, unexpired term and the full six-year term. Though once a friend and admirer of President Woodrow Wilson, his ties to the Republican Party were well established.