LaPorte York Rite
The LaPorte York Rite in Freemasonry actually refers to three cooperative groups: Chapter, Council, and Commandery.
These three groups confer a total of ten degrees in the United States.
There are:
Four Royal Arch degrees
Three Cryptic Mason degrees
Three Chivalric orders
You must already be a Master Mason before you can join the York Rite.
LaPorte York Rite
Offers additional degrees to Freemasons.
They’re not more important than the three degrees of the Masonic lodge.
They add:
More knowledge
Teach more lessons
Provide more opportunities:
For Friendships
Participation outside the lodge
The York Rite is made up of three distinct organizations, each with its own local, state, and national structure
The Royal Arch: The four degrees of the Royal Arch are the first steps within the York Rite
The Cryptic Rite: The Cryptic Rite presents three degree
Chivalric Masonry: These orders have little to do with the real orders of knighthood of the same names that have existed throughout history, and no bona fide historical connection exists between the Knights Templar of the Crusades and those in Freemasonry
Home of S.K. Lawrence J. Williams
Right Eminent Grand Commander of Knights Templar State of Indiana 2017-2018
Home of S.K. James. L. Dove
Right Eminent Grand Commander of Knights Templar State of Indiana 2010-2011
Upcoming Famous Masons Birthdays
Charles Trent February 17th
John Adolfi February 19th
Jonathan Smith February 21st
Karl King February 21st
George Washington February 22nd
Robert Wadlow February 22nd
Charles Finley February 22nd
Louis Stokes February 23rd
Johnny Cash February 26th
William Cody February 26th